Been looking for a cafe racer project for a while. While trolling Craigslist one Sunday morning, I came across a great candidate and with a title! Made arrangements, packed the family into the SUV (Thank you honey), picked up a uhaul trailer and off we went. Instant family road trip.
The journey was about 4 hours each way from my home town, the seller was spot on with his description of the bike and to top it off (I have to say was what sold me) he posted a YouTube video of the bike. His video displayed a cold start, a walk around the bike and he riding the bike. I couldn’t get there fast enough.
Made the deal, got the bike home and changed all her fluids. Have ridden her around my block and she is going to be a great candidate for either to restore or a cafe project. I’m still on the fence. Photos of this project to come soon. Gotta get me a 3/4 helmet now.